
fireplace safety for your pets

Fireplace Safety tips for your pets

Thank goodness for a fireplace

The temptation to pile some logs on the andirons or fire grate, add some kindling or a starter log, light a match, or switch on the gas is very strong right now, especially if you have a fireplace in your home.

On a chilly autumn or winter day, a roaring fire may be very comfortable since it offers heat and the dancing flames can be hypnotic. In addition, there is the slightly nostalgic fragrance of burning wood as well as a variety of crackling sounds made by the burning logs.

However, fire is also extremely dangerous, which any pet parent can relate to but which our furry children cannot.  We must therefore exercise greater caution if we wish to have pets around the house.

Supervise Pets

Always keep an eye on your pets whether you’re reading a book or watching television. Never leave them unattended when the fireplace is blazing. When you leave the room, teach them to follow you or make a call to them. Accidents like getting burned on the fireplace doors or catching fire from a hot ember that flies out of the fireplace can happen in the span of a single second.

Creating a “ danger zone”

Create an invisible barrier surrounding the fireplace for your pets before you even ignite it, and make it clear to them that they are not permitted to approach the hearth, the log stand, or the tools. Early obedience training can be quite beneficial in this area, but if that ship has sailed, you can still prohibit using the fireplace. Teach your pet the command “leave it,” and choose a location where they may be safe while still being able to watch the people around the fire, such as a bed, crate, or cosy blanket.

Glass Fireplace Doors

Pets could still get injured chasing a toy into the fireplace even after the fire has been put out. In addition to being an important safety feature, glass fireplace doors will increase the radiant heat in your living area. A wire mesh screen should be fitted to stop hot embers from jumping out and igniting nearby combustible objects while doors are open for ventilation during live fires. Close the doors after the fire has been put out to prevent heat loss. Additionally, if your pets become curious or pursue a toy that ends up in the fireplace, it will prevent them from getting burned on the hot grate and ashes. A pet safety fence will assist in keeping your animals away from the

Never let your pets unescorted near a fire

Bring the pets with you if you decide to leave the room where the fire is burning, and keep them out until someone returns. It’s not a bad idea to install baby gates at all of the room’s entrances.

While you’re not looking, something can happen in just a split second, but the harm could be permanent.

Remove Combustible Objects

Your dog or cat’s fur is easily ignited by a hot ember, which could unintentionally burn other adjacent combustibles. By keeping rugs, blankets, and other flammable items far from the fireplace, you can ensure the safety of your pets. From a safe distance, let your pets take in the warmth of a fire.

Avoid Playing Near the Fireplace

Even when it’s not lighted, keep pets away from the fireplace when playing. They won’t realise how dangerous the fireplace is to them until it’s too late.

Enjoy the warmth of the season

As we approach the conclusion of another year, it may be very chilly outside and it grows darker early, but being able to spend those long hours cuddled up at home with our furry friends more than makes up for it.

So prepare some hot chocolate or tea for yourself, some goodies with pumpkin spice for your dogs or cats, and light the fire. After that, assemble everyone around the sofa for a family snuggle.

The humans can then engage in pastimes like reading, crocheting, or binge-watching the newest show, or they can simply enjoy the warmth of the season and their furry children.

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Top Tips for the Avid Fire Starter

To effectively start a fire, whether it be on the grill, in the fireplace, or in a campfire, preparation is essential. While most people light a fire using matches, any kind of lighter will work as well. A stick lighter, pipe torch, refillable metal cigarette lighter, or your typical convenience shop pocket lighter are some examples of these. We can provide you with top tips on how to do it correctly because we’ve been tasked with lighting hundreds of fires throughout the years.

Some people may still find it difficult to start a fire. We will offer insight into the top products for fire lighting throughout this article. We’ll also think about and contrast items made expressly for starting fires. We will contrast Woodabrix Firestarter with competing items and present our results.

We will also provide some helpful advice on how to choose the best wood for wood burners and discuss why burning the proper fuel will be crucial for the development of wood-fired heating systems in the future.

The best way to light a fire

It’s interesting to note that the most popular fuels, or tinder, have a temperature at which they automatically ignite. For instance, this temperature ranges from 300 to 482 degrees Celsius when using wood. There are different ways of thinking about starting fires.

However, it’s crucial to remember that the first step in creating a fire that burns well is to develop a solid base that generates a lot of heat. After that, add more fuel to the fire by utilising smaller pieces so that the heat and flames would become stronger. However, when starting a fire, it’s important to make sure that all of your pieces are dry in order to produce heat.

  • Get some little pieces of wood or kindling.
  • Organize the kindling or tinder to allow for ventilation.
  • Include a firelighter, or wood wool firelighters.
  • No matter if it’s a stove, an outdoor fire, or a fire pit, let air into the device.
  • Before adding more fuel, let the flames grow stronger

Popular Firelighters

Unexpectedly, the UK market for firelighters and fire-lighter goods is thought to be worth £100 million annually. 

Although there have been several innovations in recent years, they have all been variations on a theme up until the release of Firestarter. We’ve listed a few of the most popular kinds of firelighters below. We also tried to include a brief overview of each product and the businesses that make it.

High performance block firelighters: These firelighters, which frequently contain hexane or kerosene, can be smelly and potentially dangerous in residential settings. Popular brand for this kind of fire-lighter is Zip.

Woodabrix Natural Firelighters: Typically, 2-3 of these are required to start most fires; Woodabrix firelighters are made of 100% natural compressed wooden sawdust and vegetable oil. Although they are natural, they might be challenging to start. 

Wrapped sachets: Once more, these goods are frequently kerosene-based and dependent on petrochemicals for production. Tiger Tim, which offers a variety of brands specialising in their production, appears to be at the forefront of such products.

Wood wool: Wood wool firelighters are an easy-to-use product that combine wood wool and paraffin wax. They are a relatively new player in the market for fire lighters. Once more, Tiger Tim’s offering includes a variety of wood wool firelighters.

Fire logs: These items are frequently inappropriate for use on stoves and hot grate equipment because they are typically made with compressed sawdust and wax. They burn for a very long time; however, they might not produce much heat.

So which Firelighter is best?

Having tested nearly every sort of firelighter against our own product, we would always choose Woodabrix natural firelighters. It is by far the most practical firelighting device due to its distinctive appearance and the fact that after it is lit, only logs are required; no kindling is required. Compared to other fire lighting products on the market, our solution removes kindling and lights more quickly, hotter, more cleanly. Furthermore, Woodabrix natural firelighters are pure, all-natural, and clean.

Get yours today and try it out for yourself instead just taking our word for it!

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ways to relax beside the fire

Ways to relax beside the fire

A fireplace is both relaxing and one of the most popular home features. Any estate agent will tell you that home buyers want to find a house with a fireplace. Even if it was a desirable feature, the fireplace is frequently overlooked. If you have a fireplace, there are multiple reasons why you should use it. Continue reading to learn about some of the reasons why sitting around the fireplace and getting cosy can be the ideal source of relaxation for you.


A fireplace’s sound is soothing

The crackling of a fire is one of the most relaxing sounds. Because you can’t always sit outside and listen to the sounds of a bonfire, it can be just as calming and relaxing to sit inside and listen to the fire as it burns down.

Turn off the lights and enjoy the sounds of nature created by a fireplace for an even more relaxing evening with just the sounds of the fire. You can add more or less wood to make the fire appear to be crackling more or less.

Fire sparks the imagination

Fire has been a symbol of creativity, passion, and destruction in many cultures around the world since ancient times. There’s a reason for this: fire has the ability to both create and destroy. These opposing but intertwined forces are what make a fire so inspiring. For centuries, artists, writers, and musicians have drawn inspiration from fire.

Have a pen and paper, a sketchbook, or your favourite musical instrument handy the next time you’re around a fire. Staring into the fire meditatively can literally “spark” some amazing ideas. Remember to take notes after you relax!

Being near a fire is relaxing

Fire is the most primitive and natural heat source we have. There is relaxation where there is warmth, and relaxing near this primal heat source is the ultimate. Sitting near a fire can help you tune your mind and relax your body as you relax in the warmth. Relaxation is essential for meditation. Consciously relaxing each muscle in your body can help you enter a deeper meditative state and become more aware of your surroundings.

To summarise, if you needed another reason to go camping this summer, or simply to light up the fireplace in your home or backyard that you’ve been ignoring, you now know that it’s a perfect accompaniment to your meditation.

A Fireplace Carries You Back to a Happier Time

A fireplace elicits a primal response in people. It carries us back to a Happier time. There was a time when there was no stress from an office job or the demands of the holidays. Life used to be simpler, centered on the basic needs of the family and home.

Wood smoke can help you connect with nature

While you shouldn’t sit directly in the path of a fire’s smoke, being immersed in its scent can be very relaxing. The aroma of wood-burning is pungent and earthy. Meditating near a fire, breathing deeply in the presence of this scent (but not too close) can help you feel more connected to nature. You’ll smell smoke in your hair when you go to bed that night. If you’re anything like me, you’ll find it wonderfully relaxing.

Fire can help you get your mind to the present

Something about the off-rhythm crackle of flames focuses your mind if you watch them intently. Furthermore, when you are in the presence of a fire, you instinctively become more alert (it can be dangerous, after all). This state of alertness and attunement can be used to enhance a wonderful meditation session.

Simply relax and concentrate on the flames. Relax your breathing and pay attention to the flicker of the flames around you. Take at the moment with both your body and mind.


A fireplace can be romantic

A fireplace is relaxing, but nothing beats a darkened room lit up by the beauty of a fire. A fireplace in a richly decorated traditional living room is an ideal setting for a romantic dinner for two. It makes a big impression on a first date and really sets the tone. A fire can be a great backdrop for dinner, even as a setting for an anniversary.

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How to use firelighters for survival and camping

Have you ever considered using a Firelighters for camping or survival? We are making the most of the outdoors and finding fun ways to enjoy it now more than ever. Fires have been used to survive for thousands of years and have evolved based on the wood and materials available. We now have many tools to assist us, such as flint and steel or, if you want to cheat, matches. 

No matter how great they are, matches can get wet and become completely useless. Waterproof matches are expensive and frequently tricky to light. As a result, the moral of the story is that matches are not very reliable for survival. We prefer our firelighters as a survival tool because they are lightweight, odourless, natural, and most importantly, water-resistant.

Because fire allows you to enjoy the outdoors all year, it is arguably an essential skill to master, and is there anything more satisfying than building your own fire? Whatever your level of experience with lighting fires, our Natural firelighters are the ideal companion for your adventure. Here are the detailed instructions on how to do it properly.


Starting a Campfire With Our Natural Firelighters

Lighting a campfire requires little skill. However, you must exercise caution to avoid accidentally burning yourself or others. To start your campfire, take a Firelighter and ignite it in several places, allowing it to catch fire.

Never light a fire with a charcoal lighter, gasoline, or any other flammable substance. It is both unnecessary and dangerous. Also, never leave a fire unattended, and keep extinguishing materials (dirt, a shovel, and plenty of water) nearby in case you need them.


The following are the five steps to starting a fire with a lighter:
  1. Select a Site to Start the Fire
  2. Build a Fire Pit
  3. Collect Fuel for the Fire
  4. Arrange the Fuel
  5. Light the Fire

Now, let’s go over the steps quickly so you can get that fire going!

How to Light a Fire Using a Firelighter

You should have brought tools and materials to help with the process.

Components to Consider

  • Shovel- Firepit preparation, safety
  • Bucket- Safety, disperse water, sand
  • Paper- Newsprint, brown bags, etc. to act as tinder
  • Lighter- Heat component of the fire equation

1. Site Selection

Here are some points to consider when deciding where to start your fire:

  • Near water, surrounded by trees
  • Flat ground
  • Accessible firewood to collect
  • Absence of fire hazards susceptible to embers
  • Assess breeze

The campsite is the ultimate source for two of the three fire components. Even when the air is still, oxygen is present, but a slight breeze helps the campfire. As a result, try to construct a fire in an area with good airflow.

2. Build Fire Pit

Guidelines for building a fire pit:

  • Clear a space 3 feet in diameter
  • If possible, excavate the pit to a depth of 6 inches
  • Make a border around the pit with large (softball-sized) rocks.


3. Collect Fuel

Here are the combustible items you will want to gather to optimize the fire-starting process:

  • Tinder- Tinder consists of easily flammable materials such as paper, twigs, dry moss, bark, pine needles, and so on.
  • Kindling- Twigs and small sticks that will catch fire from the tinder
  • Fuel-Stack larger logs upwind from the fire pit to provide a longer sustained flame.

4. Arrange the Fuel

This step is critical to the success of the fire. To be successful, you must get this part right.

  • Loosely arrange a good amount of tinder
  • Determine a few locations where you will light the tinder.
  • Arrange to kindle around and over the tinder, crisscrossing pieces
  • Keep additional kindling handy to grow fire
  • Have logs in reserve to add once the fire has taken hold


5. Light It!

  • Know your lighter, and make sure it can hold a flame for an extended period of time.
  • Ignite the tinder at multiple points

After you’ve finished enjoying your campfire for the evening, make sure to completely extinguish it before retiring to bed. Begin by breaking up any larger logs to expose the fireballs. Pour a large amount of water on the fire and continue to add water until no smoke is rising. Cover the ashes with dirt after they have been extinguished.

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no bbq without good smoke

There is no BBQ without good Smoke

Smoke is a necessary component of both fire and delicious bbq. Smoke unites people, and bbq is a life-enhancing pleasure! Barbecuing and “outside cooking” are distinguished. It’s what differentiates BBQ cooking and makes the whole thing a wonderful experience.

Over time, what began with logs and open holes evolved into something far more complex. Despite all the advancements in technology that pellet and charcoal smokers have undergone over the past several decades, mastering the basics of smoke is essential to improving your performance and getting the most out of whatever you cook on your grill.

Smoke is a fascinating and wonderful thing. While some may only see oxygen and flames, learning to control smoke takes time, practice, and some research.

What’s a “good smoke”?

Do you recall the last time a steak reminded you of a camping trip? That is what occurs when you cook with poor smoke, yes. Controlling a few various factors, such as wood density, humidity, and combustion temperature, will produce good smoke. In other words, you need to be knowledgeable.

You should use freshly chopped, dry and flavoured wood chips and smoke between 105C and 135C to “burn clean.” Paying attention to the colour of the smoke might be a good sign of its quality. White smoke is frequently an indication that your fire is running too little and is about to go out, while thick, dark smoke shows that the temperature is rising but that it is still too cool to burn the wood’s oils. Creosote is known to emit a dark smoke that has been shown to be harmful.

Any fire burning at less than 100 degrees will produce white smoke that is overly composed of wood particles and has little to no vapour; this smoke will adhere to the meat rather than pass through it. White smoke can overshadow practically anything and leave you with an unpleasant aftertaste.

Wood Types And Flavours

The wrong kind of hardwood chips may turn your ideal meal into a nightmare while you’re smoking a £100 hunk of meat. The flavour of the smoke should be enhanced and added to the other flavours.

Different types of wood have distinctive flavour qualities. Softwoods should never be used since they contain a lot of resin, which produces smoke with a harsh and bitter flavour that will spoil any meal it comes into touch with. Hardwood chips will provide you with a variety of flavours that, when paired with the ideal cuts of meat transform into pitmaster’s dream kitchen.

One of the essentials of smoking is knowing which type to smoke with which meat.

Since they pair nicely with meats such as poultry, pork, vegetables, seafood, and cheeses, alder and maple are frequently regarded as entry level, “all-purpose” light wood types to utilise.

Pork, poultry, and lamb pair well with the milder, sweeter flavour of fruity woods like Apple, Cherry, Peach, and Oak.

The flavour profiles of mesquite, pecan, and walnut are stronger and frequently go better with steak and wild game.

What kind of wood chips is the most preferred?

Oak wood chips are often one of the most popular types for grilling and smoking since they offer food with an amazing, deep flavour.

By exposing food to smoke while the fire slowly burns through the wood chips, such as Oak, we get the flavour of smoke. You cook the meat for a long time at a lower temperature than usual to allow the smoke to permeate it without overcooking it. The food may absorb the smoke because the grill heat is just enough to destroy bacteria without being too hot.

The wood chips from Woodabrix are produced expressly to provide a smoky flavour to your meat. The longevity and mouthwatering flavour of Oak wood chips make them a popular choice. They work well when mixed with other wood essences as well.

You will soon realise that smoking is a continuous learning process and that it plays a significant role in why BBQ is such a love for many people worldwide since you now know what makes a good smoke, what to look for, what to do, and how to get the most out of any smoking sessions. Try, record, and fine-tune every cookout until you have enough mastery of your art to be able to give consistent service with every mouthful.

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wood chips

7 Great Ways to Use Wood Chips

It is a major undertaking to have a tree removed, a large tree pruning, or a tree stump ground out. You’ll probably notice how different the area where the tree or stump used to look now.

The wood chips will then become apparent. MANY WOOD CHIPS!

Tree removal and pruning generate a large amount of wood that must be dealt with. When a tree is felled or large branches are removed, the branches and trunks are usually fed into a chipper, which turns them into wood chips. You’re left with a large pile of chipped or shredded wood likely a much larger pile than you anticipated.

Recycling old and unused trees, branches, and bushes with a chipper shredder is an easy way to add a new feature to your garden or backyard. Chipping the wood into smaller pieces and then using them in a variety of ways is a great idea that is both environmentally friendly and looks great!


Cover your flower beds with wood chips to give your garden an attractive and functional look. Adding apple wood chips around the soil and up to the roots and stems of plants and flowers will not only bring out the colour of the petals and leaves, but will also act as a natural barrier against frost, insects, and the elements. The apple wood chip will also help trap moisture close to the roots of the plants, which will help feed them. In the same way that apple wood chips benefit plants when spread around the soil where they grow, flower pots and hanging baskets can benefit from the same treatment. If you want to go all out, you can dye the wood chip with a wood stain or watered down environmentally safe paint, which will add a wow factor to your garden

Play Area Cover

Oak Wood chip is ideal for use in play areas where children and teenagers can let off steam without fear of injuring themselves. Spread approximately 4-5 inches of wood chipping on the ground near any play equipment to help prevent too many bumps and bangs.

If you don’t want to pay for bags and bags of gravel, laying down wood chips on paths is a great way to save money. Just make sure to use finely chipped wood for this because it will look more tidy and neat.


Whereas most people use logs and traditional firewood to build fires, wood chips can also be useful. Because of their size and flammability, wood chips make an excellent fire starter and can help keep a fire going for hours. They can be used as fuel or to start small, controlled fires. Cherry  Wood chips are also an excellent fuel source for biomass reactors, which can be used to power engines or provide heat.

Food Preparation

smoke, bbq, barbecue, bonfire

The wood chips that come from fruit or nut trees can be used for food preparation and food smoking. Using wood chips for smoking is a great way to play around with loads of interesting new flavors.


When planning a new or improved landscape design for your front, back, or side yard, consider using wood chips. Wood chips make an excellent walkway substrate for heavily trodded or lightly used walkways. They even out uneven surfaces and, as previously mentioned, suppress weeds in lawns and gardens. If you have a walkway with a dirt or soil surface, wood chips are an excellent way to keep it neat and visible while requiring far less weeding and maintenance than a bare surface walkway. Remove any large debris from the path and use a weed barrier, such as a tarp, between the dirt and wood chips to keep it looking its best for years to come to increase the longevity and usefulness of a wood chip walkway.

Erosion Control

Wood chips are not a long-term solution for preventing or stopping heavy erosion, but they can be a useful temporary fix for an area of your yard experiencing this problem until a long-term solution is developed. You can prevent further soil loss during heavy rain or melt events by applying a layer of wood chips over an eroding surface.


Aside from outdoor applications, wood chips are used in a variety of useful household tips and tricks. Use them in vases to stabilise dry or artificial flowers, keeping them upright and tall regardless of the vessel. Wood chips can also be used to add visual and textual interest to a piece of furniture or art by providing variable colour, shape, and pattern.

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Best Barbeque Wood Chip Types

The best wood smoking chips come from deciduous trees, particularly nut trees like hickory, pecan, and oak, as well as fruit trees like apple and cherry. Mesquite, a popular smoking wood in the Southwest and Hawaii, imparts a robust smoke flavour that complements red meat. Avoid pine and other softwoods, which impart a bitter, tar-like flavour to foods.

For smoking, wood comes in many different forms: logs, which are used in “stick-burners” (the offset barrel smokers used in restaurants and on the competition barbecue circuit); fist-sized wood chunks; and wood chips (the most common form of smoking fuel—available at supermarkets and hardware stores). Pellet smokers use compressed hardwood wood chips pellets; electric smokers use coarse wood chips or sawdust discs, and stovetop and handheld smokers use straight hardwood wood chips.

The Woodabrix’s BBQ Wood Chips are highly compatible with all types of smoking wood. When it comes to smoking foods, the type of wood chip you use has a big impact on the flavour. Experimenting with different flavours to find the perfect combination is enjoyable. If you’re new to food smoking, check out our website to choose the best Barbeque Wood Chips for your smoked foods.

Below is a list of the best combinations of wood chips for smoking:

Apple Wood Chips

Applewood smoking wood chip is a traditional wood chip. It has a distinct aroma as well as a sweet, mild flavour that can add much-needed depth to poultry. If you’re sick of plain old chicken or foul, try smoking it with applewood for a slightly fruity flavour. However, don’t over-smoke your poultry because the sweetness can become too overpowering. Moreover, applewood smoking chips can add a lot of depth to pork!


Hickory Wood Chips

Hickory is a simple wood to work with and can be used to smoke almost any meat. It’s especially good for enhancing the flavour of red meats. If you want a rich, bacony flavour, use hickory wood chips for smoking. It can impart a smoky, hearty flavour to poultry, red meat, and even fish. Again, don’t over-smoke, as it can turn your food bitter and chalky.


Cherry Wood Chips

As your smoking skills improve, you can experiment with different woods such as cherry.

Cherry has a mild, sweet, and rich flavour that pairs well with meats like turkey, ham, or chicken. This sweetness can help to enhance the meat’s savoury flavour. Cherry works well when combined with other wood chips for smoking, such as oak. Cherry wood chips for smoking are an absolute must for fans of bold, layered flavours.




Oak Wood Chips

Without oak, no list of wood chips for smoking would be complete. This is the go-to wood for making mistakes. If you like rich, red meats like brisket, beef, or sausages, oak wood chips for smoking can add a strong, smoky flavour without being overpowering. However, the strong smoke of oak wood chips can be too much for poultry. Furthermore, oak is a great wood for layering. To get the most out of your alder, cherry, or applewood, layer it with oak for a much more robust flavour profile.


Apple Wood Chunks


Apple wood chunks will undoubtedly become a favourite in your backyard cooking arsenal. Innovative smoking chunks enhance the flavour of your charcoal grill, barrel smoker, or pit smoker creations. And, like all of our cooking wood products, they go through our special drying process and are hand-inspected by our expert team to ensure they meet our stringent quality standards, so you know you’re getting an unrivalled product.

Thoughts on Smoking Wood Chips

Using wood chips for smoking is a great way to experiment with a variety of new flavours. Because of the various types of wood that can be used, this technique is ideal for infusing extra flavour into your meat dishes.

The sweetness, fruitiness, or intense smoke can help elevate any barbeque to the gourmet level. Keep in mind not to over-smoke your meat, and don’t soak your wood either. Smoking is also an excellent way to elevate any grilled meat, and it can make any meal memorable. Layer your smoking wood chips with various meats to find the flavour combinations that work best for you.

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natural eco-friendly firelighters

Why Choose Natural Eco-Friendly Firelighters?

Eco-Friendly Firelighters

If you only have a campfire once in a while, you’ll know that getting a fire started isn’t always straightforward. Eco-Friendly Firelighters are an all-natural and planet-friendly fire starter, perfect not only for starting campfires, but also for bonfires, barbecues, and log burners.

 You won’t feel bad about your little ‘break’ thanks to eco-friendly firelighters. Firelighters can save a lot of time on hectic mornings or after coming in from the cold after a long day’s work.

Yes, you can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together, but who has time for that when there are so many other things to do on a trip, camping, or farmhouse?

If you frequently light a fire, firelighters are almost certainly a part of your life, they are a useful item that is easy to overlook but inconvenient to be without. But how do you decide which firelighters to use? Is it better to buy them or make your own? It’s beneficial to spend some time considering your options and how you might be able to make better choices.

Woodabrix Natural Firelighters, Sustainable fire starters, Eco Fire starting blocks

Why Choose Eco-Friendly Firelighters?

Eco-Friendly Firelighters make everything a bit simpler. However, many of the firelighters available on the market do so at the expense of our environment and people.

Many of the firelighters available for purchase are made from fossil fuels. Many of them contain kerosene, paraffin, or paraffin wax, which are all petroleum-based.

Naturally, such solutions are not sustainable and result in significant CO2 emissions, leading to global warming.

Some firelighters are hazardous to humans; thus, they shouldn’t be brought into a healthy home.

Certain choices (hexamine firelighters) emit formaldehyde-a when burned.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has categorized this substance as a human carcinogen, while the US Environmental Protection Agency has classified it as a potential human carcinogen (EPA).

Furthermore, studies have revealed that many petroleum and hexamine-based brand-name firelighters emit a variety of additional emissions that have been shown to be harmful to human health.

Vegetable oils are a solution that is sometimes used to avoid the use of fossil fuels or other hazardous substances. However, those containing palm oil are also not environmentally friendly. The issue with palm oil is that the industry directly contributes to the loss of the Amazon rainforest, which is one of the world’s most important carbon sequestration.

If you’re attempting to be green on your farm and live as sustainably as possible, you’ll want to look at the components in any firelighters you buy carefully. If you do decide to purchase firelighters, make sure to select Eco Firelighters choices.


Should You Buy Eco-Friendly Firelighters, or Make Them?

When it comes to determining whether to buy or produce Eco-friendly firelighters, the trade-off between time and money is critical.

Of course, the choice you pick will be based on your unique circumstances. Purchasing Eco-friendly firelighters is expensive, however building your own is inexpensive, if not free.

Making your own firelighters, on the other hand, will obviously take some time and effort, even if it is not, especially time demanding.

It should also be noted that, while effective, homemade firelighters may not be as easy to use or efficient as those available from eco-friendly firelighter brands especially those made from wood shavings or wood dust and vegetable oil. Whatever you choose, it’s important to consider the environmental impact of your decision.

Keep in mind that even the most Eco Firelighters solution will have to travel to get to you. Transportation will very probably emit carbon dioxide. There’s also the packaging to consider, and avoiding alternatives that come in plastic packaging is the most environmentally beneficial option.

Benefits of Using High-Quality Natural Firelighters

Natural firelighters should be included in every fire-starting kit, whether you’re learning how to light a fire for the first time or a seasoned wood-burning pro. Our firelighters are completely natural and additive-free, produced from wood shavings or wood dust and vegetable oil. These firelighters are really quick and easy to light! A great start as you don’t want to be faffing around trying to light your BBQ.

  • Only 1 Woodabrix firelighter is required for starting a fire when used with kindling.
  • So simple to ignite and maintains a lengthy burn period.
  • Lights kindling and coal so easily and effectively with both an open fire and a multi-fuel burner. Flames for up to 10 minutes, making it ideal for use with kindling in open fireplaces and stoves.
  • No need for BBQ gel with these eco-friendly firelighters made from wood fiber and wax. They have no odor and burn for an extended period of time. Ideal for anyone who cooks with wood.
  • Firelighters for pizza ovens, wood burners, fireplaces, and bbqs, as well as camping fires. Very simple to use rapidly light your kindling and firewood to build a fire.

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extra long safety matches

What are Extra Long Safety Matches?

What Are Extra Long Safety Matches?

Extra Long Safety Matches are made up of three parts: a head that starts the fire, a tinder substance that picks up and transmits the flame, and a handle. Modern friction matches are divided into two categories:

  • Strike-anywhere matches
  • Safety matches.

The strike-anywhere match’s head includes all of the chemicals needed for frictional heat ignition, but the safety match’s head ignites at a considerably higher temperature and must be struck against a carefully-prepared surface with elements that pass ignition over to the head. A phosphorus compound is often employed for achieving combustion at the temperature of frictional heat. This material is present in the striking surface of extra-long safety matches and in the head of strike-anywhere matches.

In addition to the phosphoric igniting agent, the match contains three other major chemical groups:

Oxidizing agents, such as potassium chlorate, which provide oxygen to the igniting agent and other combustible materials

Binders, such as animal glue, starches and gums, and synthetics, bind the ingredients and are oxidized during combustion.

Post-combustion binders, such as ground glass, fuse and hold the ash together.

Before the creation of matches, it was common to transfer a flame from one combustible source to another by using specially constructed splinters capped with some combustible element, such as sulphur. An increasing interest in chemistry led to research on this fragment to ignite fire by direct means. Other early matches involved bottles containing phosphorus and other compounds, which might be both inconvenient and dangerous.

Because of the dangers of using white phosphorus in matchmaking, the “hygienic” or “safety match” was created. The employment of red phosphorus on a specifically constructed striking surface, rather than the head of the match, was a crucial innovation in its development.

What Are the Differences Between Extra Long Safety Matches Strike Anywhere Matches?

Extra long Safety matches are matches that will only ignite when struck against a specially prepared striking surface like those found on the sides of matchbooks and matchboxes. They’re also known as “strike on box bouts” because of this. They’re the most prevalent form of the match on the market right now. They’re the kind you’ve undoubtedly got in your kitchen or in your camping gear right now.

Extra long matches have a couple of variations. Under the umbrella term “safety matches,” you’ll discover waterproof matches and stormproof matches.

Matches that light from friction against any acceptable striking surface are known as strike-anywhere matches. In this example, “appropriate” refers to something that is harsh, rough, and dry. For example, we successfully struck matches against rock, brick, and even other matches like extra-long matches for wood burners in our tests to discover the best extra long matches available today.

Should You Buy Long Safety Matches?

Are you looking for matches for camping or another outdoor activity?

If that’s the case, I propose investing in some extra long safety matches. However, not just any safety matches will suffice; high-quality matches, such as waterproof or, even better, stormproof matches, are required (stormproof matches are waterproof and windproof).

Why do I think long safety matches are a good idea?

Simple: nowadays, strike-anywhere matches are hard to come by. Many brands have been phased out.  All extra long safety matches offered on this website are made with high quality products. Whether you want to dispel darkness or cook food, these excellent products will allow you to strike with ease.

Is one type of match inherently superior to another?

Finally, you could be questioning whether safety matches are “better” or “worse” than strike-anywhere matches.

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is that it is contingent on your definition of “better.” There are brands of both safety matches and strike anyplace matches that fulfill that description if you want matches that are reliable and easy to ignite.

Safety matches, particularly the waterproof and stormproof matches, are ideal if you want to light matches in harsh weather.

Strike anyplace matches, on the other hand, are certainly superior in this regard if you’re looking for matches that can ignite on as many surfaces as possible.

The Best Way To Purchase The Best Long Matches?

When it comes to purchasing extra long safety matches, you may choose from a variety of options, including Extra Long Safety Matches in a Tube and those for lighting barbecue grills. You can find every variation of this incredibly essential product right here.

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Simple Recipes For Smoking Vegetables with Woodabrix Chips

Smoking food doesn’t only apply to meat-eaters, vegetarians can also enjoy unique smoky flavour of vegetables with these recipes. 

Smoked Corn on the Cob

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 6 ears of sweet corn (without husks and silks)
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Black pepper for serving
  • Water
  • Oak wood chips
  • Aluminium foil

Preparation and cooking instructions

1. Pre-soak ears of corn in water for 2 hours.

2. Cover each ear of corn with butter and salt. Wrap tightly in aluminium foil.

3. Pre-heat the barbecue to 105 C. Add wood chips on to the charcoals or smoker box and place a water container next to the charcoals to create steam.

4. Place the corn ears on to the barbecue directly above the water container. Close the lid.

5. Smoke the corn ears for 1 hour 30 minutes rotating them every 30 minutes and making sure there is always water in the water container. Add wood chips as needed.

6. When you are half though the cooking, check if the corn ear is not drying out. Sprinkle them with water.

7. Serve with butter, salt and pepper.

Smoked Cherry Tomatoes

Cooking Time: 2 hours


Preparation and cooking instructions

1. Start the grill or charcoal barbecue. When the temperature drops to about 105 C, move the charcoals to one side of the barbecue and place a water container next to them to create steam.

2. Add wood chips directly to the charcoals or a smoker box.

3. Rinse the tomatoes in the water and let them dry on the paper towel. Cherry tomatoes are naturally sweet, so you don’t need to season them, just brush them with olive oil.

4. Put the tomatoes on the rack directly above the water container. Smoke them for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

5. Keep checking the temperature making sure it doesn’t rise above 105 C. Continually add water and wood chips as needed and smoke the tomatoes for another 30 – 45 minutes.

6. Serve and enjoy with your main course or on its own!

Smoked Sweet Peppers

Cooking Time: 2 hours


Preparation and cooking instructions

1. Clean the peppers under cold running water. You don’t need to remove the seeds and stem as it doesn’t reduce the smoking time, but if you prefer you can take the seeds and stem out.

2. Make sure you use a clean grill/barbecue, as peppers absorb nasty flavours very easily.

3. After your barbecue reached the temperature of 95 C, it is time to smoke your peppers. Add a handful of apple or oak wood chips to the charcoals or a smoker box it you have it. Place a sheet of aluminium foil above the water container and lay the sweet peppers on it.

4. After you start smoking, keep checking the temperature to make sure it stays at the recommended level.

5. The sweet peppers will be ready to serve after 2 hours. You’ll know they are ready as they will be soft and not too wrinkly.


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