It is a major undertaking to have a tree removed, a large tree pruning, or a tree stump ground out. You’ll probably notice how different the area where the tree or stump used to look now.
The wood chips will then become apparent. MANY WOOD CHIPS!
Tree removal and pruning generate a large amount of wood that must be dealt with. When a tree is felled or large branches are removed, the branches and trunks are usually fed into a chipper, which turns them into wood chips. You’re left with a large pile of chipped or shredded wood likely a much larger pile than you anticipated.
Recycling old and unused trees, branches, and bushes with a chipper shredder is an easy way to add a new feature to your garden or backyard. Chipping the wood into smaller pieces and then using them in a variety of ways is a great idea that is both environmentally friendly and looks great!
Cover your flower beds with wood chips to give your garden an attractive and functional look. Adding apple wood chips around the soil and up to the roots and stems of plants and flowers will not only bring out the colour of the petals and leaves, but will also act as a natural barrier against frost, insects, and the elements. The apple wood chip will also help trap moisture close to the roots of the plants, which will help feed them. In the same way that apple wood chips benefit plants when spread around the soil where they grow, flower pots and hanging baskets can benefit from the same treatment. If you want to go all out, you can dye the wood chip with a wood stain or watered down environmentally safe paint, which will add a wow factor to your garden
Play Area Cover
Oak Wood chip is ideal for use in play areas where children and teenagers can let off steam without fear of injuring themselves. Spread approximately 4-5 inches of wood chipping on the ground near any play equipment to help prevent too many bumps and bangs.
If you don’t want to pay for bags and bags of gravel, laying down wood chips on paths is a great way to save money. Just make sure to use finely chipped wood for this because it will look more tidy and neat.
Whereas most people use logs and traditional firewood to build fires, wood chips can also be useful. Because of their size and flammability, wood chips make an excellent fire starter and can help keep a fire going for hours. They can be used as fuel or to start small, controlled fires. Cherry Wood chips are also an excellent fuel source for biomass reactors, which can be used to power engines or provide heat.
Food Preparation
The wood chips that come from fruit or nut trees can be used for food preparation and food smoking. Using wood chips for smoking is a great way to play around with loads of interesting new flavors.
When planning a new or improved landscape design for your front, back, or side yard, consider using wood chips. Wood chips make an excellent walkway substrate for heavily trodded or lightly used walkways. They even out uneven surfaces and, as previously mentioned, suppress weeds in lawns and gardens. If you have a walkway with a dirt or soil surface, wood chips are an excellent way to keep it neat and visible while requiring far less weeding and maintenance than a bare surface walkway. Remove any large debris from the path and use a weed barrier, such as a tarp, between the dirt and wood chips to keep it looking its best for years to come to increase the longevity and usefulness of a wood chip walkway.
Erosion Control
Wood chips are not a long-term solution for preventing or stopping heavy erosion, but they can be a useful temporary fix for an area of your yard experiencing this problem until a long-term solution is developed. You can prevent further soil loss during heavy rain or melt events by applying a layer of wood chips over an eroding surface.
Aside from outdoor applications, wood chips are used in a variety of useful household tips and tricks. Use them in vases to stabilise dry or artificial flowers, keeping them upright and tall regardless of the vessel. Wood chips can also be used to add visual and textual interest to a piece of furniture or art by providing variable colour, shape, and pattern.
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